Thursday, September 26, 2013

My Favorite Picture Books As A Kid

I don’t really remember my childhood that much but I do remember my favorite picture book. My favorite picture book growing up was Harold and the Purple Crayon. Although it is very old I liked this book because of the adventures Harold would have. The main character is Harold. Harold is a curious four-year-old boy who, with his purple crayon, has the power to create a world of his own world by drawing it. Harold wants to go for a walk in the moonlight, but there is no moon, so he draws one. He has nowhere to walk, so he draws a path. He has many adventures looking for his room, and in the end he draws his own house and bed and goes to sleep. Some other of my favorite books were Where The Wild Things Are, Go Dogs Go, Green Eggs and Ham and Are You My Mother. In where the wild things are a boy dresses as a wolf and gets in trouble a lot and as he is in his room his room turns into a jungle.  I remember in Go Dogs Go dogs would always drive cars and one girl dog would ask a boy dog if he liked her skiing hat and her flower and things like that. In Green Eggs and Ham, Sam I am goes around asking people to try his green eggs and ham and one character always says, “I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam I am.” Sam keeps trying and trying but finally at the end of the book the character try’s the green eggs and ham and likes them. In Are You My Mother a hatching bird falls from its nest and goes around asking other things like boats cranes, cats, dogs, cars and other random things if they are the baby birds’ mother. Finally at the end of the book the baby bird is reunited with its real mother.

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